Safeguarding - The 6 Principles Underlying Adult Care

Safeguarding – The 6 Principles Underlying Adult Care

The 6 Principles of Safeguarding – What Does It Mean?

When you hear the word “safeguarding”, what do you think about? Often, people immediately think about children, in settings like nurseries or schools. Safeguarding is a wider concept than just childcare though. In recent years the focus has been increasingly on vulnerable adults. The 6 Principles of Safeguarding underpin work in this area. They are discussed at length in the Care Act. If you’re working in this era you’ve probably heard of them already, but here’s a quick recap.

Background Screening - What is it?

Background Screening – What is it?

Whatever the sector you work in, job adverts may state “background screening” required, or have some other phrase around vetting or checking. This sort of checking can take many forms. If you’re applying for a new job, checks usually have to be completed before you can start work. But what sort of checks can you expect to come across?