As the famous line from Shakespeare goes, “What’s in a name”? Well, when it comes to getting disclosure checks, your name is everything. Along with other key pieces of information, our name is one of the ways we identify ourselves. If the Disclosure and Barring Service can’t match your application to the names they have recorded on their system, this could cause huge issues. For most people, the name issue is straightforward. However, there are some other circumstances which everyone should be aware of.

Criminal Records Checks and Babysitters
When was the last time you had a night out? When you become a parent, catching a movie or going out for dinner gets a lot more complicated. If you’ve aunts, grandparents or siblings living locally, then they may be happy to do you a favour and mind the kids while you go our. If however, you live a long way from family or close friends, the only option might be to hire a babysitter. Leaving your kids with someone you don’t know is daunting. One of the main worries parents have is about criminal records checks. How do you know that the person looking after your children is safe?
Disclosure Checks and Acquittals
Is your criminal record clear? You might think the answer is very straightforward. However, there is a huge deal on confusion about what exactly is recorded about us on the police database. The police hold lots of information which isn’t necessarily connected with criminality. For example, if you are a driver, they can look up your driving licence details. If you are applying for disclosure checks, it all gets a lot more complicated. Most people are aware that convictions and cautions will be disclosed on the certificate. But what about other stuff like charges, motoring fences and acquittals?
Safer Recruitment
Business jargon can be a bit of a running joke – pushing the envelope, blue sky thinking, running things up the flagpole. Mostly meaningless phrases which have a perfectly good alternative in plain English. However, there’s one jargon term which you do need to know. Safer recruitment is something a lot of employers are talking about. The term refers to a lot of different concepts, but you need to see it from both the employer’s, and candidate’s perspectives.
Home Care Vs Residential Care
It’s no secret that the UK population is ageing. We’re all living longer than ever due to advances in medicine. Although most older people live independently and have fulfilling lives, a growing number need some sort of support. If you’re supporting an elderly parent, it’s a difficult situation. Do you look into residential care? Or would it be better to keep them at home, buying in the services you need to help look after them? There are no easy answers, but each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, the decision will depend ultimately on your own situation. But knowing the full picture should make the choice a bit clearer.
DBS Checking When Working From Home
According to recent statistics, the number of people who work at home has doubled in recent years. Around 1.5 million people have the type of job which gives them the flexibility to work at home one or two days per week. Thousands more have their own business which they run from the house. Working at home cuts down drastically on commuting time. It can also make employees feel more valued in their roles. But how does the DBS checking process work when you’re being employed to operate most of the time from a desk in the spare room?
DBS Process – Proposed Changes
The DBS process is continually evolving. As technology moves on, so does the way we interact with official forms. One of the most recent changes was the integration of some parts of official technology with smartphone payment apps. More changes were recently announced. These are do with the way mistakes can be fixed after the first certificate is printed.
DBS Checks and Required Documents
If you’ve already completed the online application for your disclosure check, that’s just half the job. Applying for DBS checks is a multi-step process. After you’ve filled out the form, the next step is proving who you are, and where you live. Your employer isn’t just going to take your word for it. They will ask to see a range of documents for identity and address. Here’s all you need to know about getting through the process with minimum hassle.
Disclosure Checks and School Trips
It’s getting to that time of year again where schools up and down the country are planning trips. Trips are something the kids might love, but can be a headache for the staff. In school, a teacher can easily look after a class of 30. Some may have the assistance of a classroom helper. Ratios of adults to children will depend on the age of the kids involved. Most schools work on a basic of 1 adult per 6 children in the early years or Primary, rising to 1 per 8 as they get older. Few schools have enough paid staff to cover the numbers needed. So one common tactic is to rope in parents, grandparents or other helpers. But do helpers on school trips need disclosure checks?
Hosting Foreign Students
If you live in an area with a University, or where young people come to learn English, could you earn some extra cash? Hosting foreign students is often suggested as a no hassle way of maximising income. But is it really that easy? Aren’t there lots of hoops to jump through in terms of checking and verification?